BEG Krudo


Birra BEG është birrë 100% natyrale, duke mos përmbajtur materie të ndryshme kimike gjatë përpunimit.
Birra BEG është birrë 100% natyrale, duke mos përmbajtur materie të ndryshme kimike gjatë përpunimit.
"BEG Nights" are the perfect opportunity to celebrate with friends while enjoying the unique taste of BEG. Whether you're in the city or the country, there are always events near you where you can have a good time while holding a cold BEG in your hand.
Don't miss the opportunity to party with other beer lovers and dance the night through.
Check out the BEG Nights events near you now and let the fun begin!
BEG can be found in numerous pubs and restaurants in Kosovo, Albania, Switzerland and Germany. Whether you are locally or on the road, try the 100% natural quality of our beers and enjoy the unique taste.
Without beer, nothing would be as it is today. Beer makes men dance. Beer fires the imagination, brings people closer and tastes wonderfully refreshing!
We (6 brothers) brewed the first lager on our little balcony together with our friends in Basel. The idea to brew the most refreshing, crisp flavored beer was born through countless get togethers.
Having been born in Kosovo, we wanted to give something back to the people and thus we established a brewery in Kosovo. This would help providing a perspective to local Kosovarians and enforcing their families and relatives to pursue their goals.
As a BEG (standing for the little Skanderbeg in all of us) we put our heart and soul where our mouth is! After mastering our distinctive recipe, we bought a piece of land in our village (Vrellë, Istog, Kosovo) and literally started building the brewery on the green field. With the support of our friends and family, the craft brewery is up and running and always pursuing to delight more and more BEGs out there.
Our vision is to break barriers, bring people together and inspire to never be afraid of pursuing your dreams!
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